Friday, October 5, 2012

Moments from the life of the mother of a 15 month old

My morning routine usually goes as follows:
Super early in the morning-give Albert a kiss goodbye as he goes to work, then fall back asleep.
A few hours later- wake up and start getting ready. And do whatever until John wakes up.
7:30/8/8:30- johnathan wakes up, I go down and get a sippy cup of milk/water/juice for him, then return and change his diaper.
After that- bring him to my bedroom where we play on Albert's and my bed for a while. (I try to get him to drink...but that doesn't always happen.) Most mornings we make a tent under my comforter and hide from the cold...until the tickle monster comes out and then I delight at the sound of my little boy's squeals and giggles.
About half an hour later we go to the kitchen and eat a full breakfast...usually it's fruit and Cheerios.
And then the rest of the day starts.
 I take Johnathan out for a walk down at the park with one of my co-workers, try to do something that will still be done at the end of the day (I try to make it something like sewing (my craft room is FINALLY organized thanks to my mom) though usually this part gets skipped for cooking or baking...which depending on if I've been experimenting or not SOMETIMES makes it to the next day haha).
My favorite mornings are those where Johnathan decides to just cuddle...and babble on about something that usually includes "lululu ooooo" sounds (we have decided to translate them as "love you" because he usually starts saying that after we've said that we love him) and holding something remotely like a phone up to his ear and saying "oh?"

More favorite moments include the following conversation.
me: hey, John-boy!
John: wa?
me: I love you!
John: Yeah?
me: yeah.
John *satisfied voice* yeah.

It's hard to believe that he's already 15 months old...I feel like he's growing up way too fast.  He's walking and sometimes running places now (if you call trying to catch up with your upper body leaning too far forward running haha).  He LOVES his shoes and goldfish and tub time (despite the fact that he usually gets water on his face when he's trying to squirm away from mom and bits of ham and going on walks.  He loves watching me mow the lawn (which is nice because it keeps him entertained while I'm doing it), but he loves the vacuum so much more.  if ever we accidentally leave it where he can get to it, he automatically goes over and starts to play with it. :P ...He doesn't like going DOWN the stairs (he loves going up them) and nap time...he's developing a dislike for nap time recently.
Johnathan LOVES dogs...doesn't matter how big or small. If they're near him, he get ALL excited.  he calls them "pu-pu" (I think cuz I usually call them "puppies").  While Albert and I enjoy both cats and dogs, we've basically decided that, when we get a pet, we will be getting a dog. :)  
At this month's Check-up, the dr said that Johnathan's tibias were slightly turned he walks a little pigeon orthopedic shoes yet.  The Dr. thinks he's going to grow out of it. :) for now it makes him walk similar to a drunken sailor... 
Also, John's head only grew 1/4th of an inch this past month...but the dr still doesn't seem too worried about his small head size...especially since his head is fairly round.  the Dr. says that usually kids whose front skull sutures seal early get a triangular shaped we know what happened to Phineas!
but yeah. everything's fine with that apparently.

Albert is back in school and taking 14 credits (6 of which are taken up by a research lab that he went to all summer and thus doesn't have to be there as long during this semester...unfortunately this means he's going to present his project in Washington DC sometime in April), but he's also taking a Kaplan MCAT prep course.

picture of my boys at Albert's birthday party.
chillaxing in his stroller in the airport on our way to VA.
 Albert opening his birthday presents in VA

 building the dock

 two exhausted girls :)

 playing with Ollie and Grandpa
this picture cracks me up.  he loves pretzels. 
apples and pretzels-the perfect combination
my dad and Johnathan

 back in UT...Albert bought me some flowers...
 ...and some cheese pizza with EXTRA cheese...and one half with Roma Tomatoes on it...the side w/o the roma tomatoes went first haha.
the other half of the clean craft room
Albert has decided to get into he got golf clubs for his birthday. :)
once upon a time Brit and I got lazy and cooked our men burgers in my waffle iron...and they turned out pretty good! :)
the boys watching the byu vs UofU football game. :)
I gave him pb on his try for was a lazy day haha

Albert loves pumpkin pie...especially with whipped cream. :)

This next series of pictures come from a birthday party for Albert's cousin, Kathy.  Albert was unable to attend because he had to do a project for his research lab, but i made sure he got full coverage. :)
trying to eat his rice out of his bowl haha
he stole my grapes
sad-looking grapes.
I suppose we should train him better in the ways of eating with a plate or bowl haha.
he stole my roll and then got it stuck on his thumb. :P
playing with Albert's Aunt Sonia's dog
he likes rocks
with the kids
 she didn't know I was taking this VERY flattering picture of her
 I was too messy to sit at the big table
 the girls next door.
 more aftermath.
jumping on Sonia's trampoline.