Monday, January 21, 2013

Halloween and other October fun

Yes, this is several months late...sorry
     Albert seems to have decided that everything that happens in this year of Johnathan's life is a "first" (understandable since he can interact so much better now than he could last year) so we had his "first Halloween".  In honor of this, I actually was able to convince Albert to dress up!  YAY!
     We almost made it to the neighborhood Halloween party, but then we discovered that Johnathan had a fever and we decided to stay home just in case he was sick.  Turns out he was just getting a molar in...but still, he wouldn't have been very pleasant anyways.
     We DID, however, make it to Albert's Aunt Sonia's house for Halloween, pictures of costumes, and trick-or-treating in her neighborhood.  Johnathan had fun.  As soon as he discovered that the basket I was carrying had CANDY in it, he began reaching in and holding the goodies (we had him and Sammi in the wagon. while Melissa rode on the stroller).  Unfortunately, he decided to start trying to EAT the candy with the rappers still on them (and even managed to soak through a few wrappers), so I got to carry the basket while I was pulling the kiddies around.  ah well.  After trick-or-treating, Mark and Sonia had pizza for everyone.  It was YUMMY!!!!

Johnathan :)

Me and Johnathan

Two Pirates and a Tiger

I made those swords...yep!

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