Saturday, May 25, 2013


After throwing up almost everything I ate or drank yesterday, it's good eat anything..even if it's saltines.  John LOVES them and about every 5 seconds I hear "Peez!" And see him holding his hand out for more. Lol.  I know I'm feeling a lot better today than I was yesterday (I'm not dizzy and nauseous every time I stand up) ...but poor Albert was still making lots of trips to the bathroom late into the night last night...I'm just hoping he's feeling better too.
We're thanking our lucky stars that John didn't get sick with us.
He spent about an hour last night laying on my shoulder and babbling away, part of which included "NI' nite monkey!" And "luh you! Luh you! Luh you! Luh you!" He was very good about giving Albert and I lots of kisses to make us feel better and he would often pat my blanket and hum to me. :) gotta love the kid. 

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