Friday, July 19, 2013

A Bunch of Random Photos

Johnathan's cuddle buddy. This was right after I got home from work and discovered my new iPhone waiting for me. :)

John LOVES this big puppy bookbag.

Sonia was selling a toy motorcycle at a yard sale we had. We almost bought it for John.

He like climbing into holes.

Albert had to take a picture for some of his med school applications. He didn't use this one, but its my favorite.

That sleepy smile right after he first wakes up

This kid loves putting his head in boxes.

Sometimes he likes to ride his wagon backwards :)

Johnathan with his Grandpa (he says "grampy") Helsing 

I find his various sleeping positions funny. 

We went out to lunch in honor of Johnathan's birthday a few days before.  Pretty sure my mom and dad would die and go to heaven if they went there.  it's a Chinese deluxe buffet.  lunch is really cheap and kids it's only .60 c for every year they are old.  The food, however, is NOT cheap, but is AMAZING!!!  Johnathan, ever growing up way too fast, was totally trying to flirt with our waitress.  every time she passed by, he'd call out "hey!" and put a silly grin on.  I wish I'd gotten a picture of it haha!  we did however snap this picture of him eating his icecream cone (it was the first time we actually let him eat a whole cone by himself)

We sold Albert's motorcycle to help pay for applying to medical schools...luckily it was his idea not mine so he isn't resentful about it.

should have put this one on the birthday post...but i didn't

He recently has decided to try to turn his wagon on with Albert and I's car keys...yes, he only uses the car keys out of all of the different keys we have on our chains...

one thing I love about John is that, when I sit on he stairs, he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my neck.  he's not doing it here, but that's because iPad wins over mommy a bunch of the time :P

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