Monday, July 26, 2010

Today our lives changed.

About two weeks ago, Albert went to work. An hour after he got there, he threw up...three times. He came home. Since then he'd been drinking 2-3 gallons of water a day and going to the bathroom a lot (getting up 3-4 times during the night). Saturday the 24th we went over to Albert's parent's house and he talked to his mom (who was a nurse) about what was going on, and she told him that his biological dad (who is still in Peru), his grandmother (on his dad's side) and his grandma's grandpa all had diabetes. She suggested that we went to the doctor and talk to them about it.
On our way home we called my aunt, Mary Ann, and she also said that it sounded like Albert had diabetes and said we should get an appointment on Monday.
Today we went into the BYU Health Center. We went in around 9, but there wasn't an open appointment until 11, but we were willing to wait...well, as long as we could play solitaire. When we were seen, Albert was sent to get a urine test and a blood sample (he'd gone in fasting). We knew something was really wrong when we handed the nurse at the back counter the test results and her face kind of fell and she said "oh" in a voice that says "that's not very good."
Turns out Albert does have diabetes. His blood sugar was 320 when blood sugar is supposed to be like yeah...not good. We aren't sure if it's type 1 or 2 yet...we find out all depends on how Albert's body responds to the pills he was given. So...yeah...we're hoping for type 2 cuz then we can get rid of it...though we would understand if it is God's will for Albert to have type 1.
One good result of this, is that we'll definitely be eating more healthy (though Albert is not allowed to eat rice anymore...which is going to kill him)...and we'll be getting more exercise which will hopefully result in weight loss for both of us (yes, I'm going to try to go along with Albert's new diet...though I'll for sure be "sneaking" random "banned" items while Albert is at work....which he knows). So that's how our lives changed today...please keep us in your prayers.


  1. praying for you...excited for you to have a blog
    love you!

  2. Yar! There be people here! I am feeling piratey today!

    Sorry to hear about the diabetes :( Hopefully it is 2. Nice that you are looking for the positives. :)

    Yah.. and I was going to go with a more Van Helsing vibe on the name from Dracula. :) Albert and Melanie... Vampire Slayers. (say that in a really dramatic voice... sounds cool)

  3. I am sorry that my suspicions were correct for diabetes but glad that you are getting help. Thanks for sharing the address to your blog--I now have another blog to add to my list of favorites. Aunt Mary Ann
