Wednesday, August 18, 2010

new apartment, new job, new experiences

So, life goes on!! (YAY!!) um...yeah, anyways. So for a bit moving was a "maybe-not-afterall" situation. You see, the lady who owned the houses signed them over to her two brothers (one of whom is the father of the lady who currently manages the places, Diane) and Diane's uncle didn't seem like the kind of guy who would keep a whole house w/ 3 bedrooms and a nice yard at $500 a were gonna see if he'd agree to let us sign a 2 year lease and if he did, we'd move and if he didin't we'd stay wehre we are. Long story short, we have signed a 2 year lease for the apartment next door. So, we get to start moving stuff into the new apartment today! The two upstairs bedrooms and kitchen are cleaned out over there so we're gonna start moving things over. we're SO excited. :D Anyway. yeah :) We helped a little with the de-junking of the basement and were amazed at how much random useless stuff Norma (the lady that owned the house) had. But as a result I now have about 6 scenes of red/orange/yellow/white (it fades in and out) yarn. and a bunch of other scenes of other solid colored yarn (reds, greens, yellows, whites, blues). So...that's the news about moving.
So...I got a job promotion and I started working the new job yesterday. And i didn't die...but I also didn't have to answer the phone or call anyone. so yeah :) life is getting better. Excited for school to start next week. :) Hope your lives are also good. :)

1 comment:

  1. skeins...that's exciting! Let us know when you need help!
