Thursday, September 30, 2010

School goes on...

          So...honestly, the main reason I'm writing this is because a friend bugged me about it...sorry that it took that for me to finally update you all who mostly get my life updates from my blog.
things that some/most of you may not know:
-I transferred over to Utah Valley University.
          -This has been a blessing because the classes are a LOT less stressful and have made my life easier as I take a full semester and as I work.
          -Another blessing is that the El. Ed. program is a lot more laid back than BYU's Program.  THey simply tell you what classes need ot be taken and you take them at the rate that you want to take them.
          -I also have discovered that if I go summer I can have my Associate's Degree by next fall and then I can apply to the Bachelors program. :) YAY!!!
-Albert has taken on Chem 106, Chem 107, and Math 119 (Calculus) all in one semester.
          -he actually is going very well (basically all A's) and is enjoying his classes. :)

Oh!  cute story:
          Last Monday I got out of my car after school and the little girl (whose family had moved into the house that Albert and I were previously going to move into) comes running over to me.
     "Do you have any little boys?"
     I was a little surprised at the fact that she specifically wanted to know if I had any BOYS ", not yet."
     "Oh," she replied "ok"
           Wednesday (last week still) at the same time I pulled into my drive.  The same little girl came running over to where I was standing.
     "Do you have any kids yet?"
     Laughing a little inside I replied that I didn't.
          Thursday (yes, one day later) when I got home from school she comes RUNNING over to me.
     "Do you have any kids yet?"
     Again, I struggled not to laugh at her innocence. "no not yet"
     She got this look on her face that seemed a little impatient.  "Are you EVER going to have kids?!"
          Kids say the darnedest things. :)

         So yeah, that's us.  We're excited for General Conference this weekend and for seeing family.  I was super excited yesterday when Albert and I's Conference packets (something that my dad puts together for the family) came in the mail. :)  
          I'm super excited to be able to say that we're going to VA for Christmas and I'm super excited to know that during that time I'll be able to see new baby Emily. :)  YAY!! (and congratz Matt and Hailey)
         We have been blessed a lot and we'd like to thank you all for your prayers and all of the other ways that you have helped us.  Love to all!

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