Monday, February 14, 2011

I remember last year

It was my very first valentine's day when I was actually with someone. :) We celebrated Valentine's day the day before because Valentine's day was Sunday.  I had work in the morning....I was still a page...and when I came back, you had gone to the store and gotten me a large bouquet of circus roses (I'm not sure if I ever told you how impressed I was that you remembered that those were my favorite...not just on Valentine's day...but before that when we were dating...I only told you once...and that was on our first date) and a whole bunch or rose petals...and then you spread the rose petals out on the bed...over the temple blanket my mom made was white side up...and then we "played with our set of keys" and almost ruined the blanket haha!  we decided to not do it with petals on the bed ever again haha.
after that we got dressed...I wore my red dress and you wore your suit pants and a blue dress shirt.  we went to tucanoes and that same waiter guy told us that we should wait to have kids. :)  silly waiter.  That's all I really remember...we got the rose...and we probably cuddled a lot and stuff...:)  it was fun...  it was memerable (mostly haha)  It made me love you more. <3


Saturday, February 12, 2011


So, the baby is a boy!!  For the sake of those who love pictures in blogs:
nice picture proof of the boyness. :)  During the ultrasound he was moving around a lot...very active...only even with the ultrasound thing pressing into my belly, I still couldn't really feel him moving...the nurse reassured me that it's ok to not feel him moving for a while, so I just have to be patient...  Sorry, I haven't taken or posted any pictures of my "baby bump" yet...maybe tomorrow...maybe...haha.  I was told today that I don't even have one...but my clothes mostly beg to differ...
Albert and I have decided upon the name "Jonathan"...we just aren't 100% sure exactly how we're going to spell it... and we aren't sure what the middle initial is going to be (Albert doesn't like middle names for some reason, so I got him to at least give our sons middle initials). :)   But yeah. that's us.  we're super happy.  Albert's mom was super happy that she was right...and Albert's dad was so happy that he got it up on facebook before I did haha.  One of my visiting teachers, Katie, told me today that she knew how to make little boy vests and ties so I now get to look forward to a get together with her and my sister Andrea to make cute little boy clothes. :)  yep.  It's nice being able to talk about "the baby" and be able to call him by name...though it's been a bit of a transition to go from calling the back room "the baby's room" to "Jonathan's room"...but we'll get's only been a day.
firsts in the last day and a half:
     -first time I got to see my son
     -first time I actually got heartburn
     -first time I met with my new visiting teachers
     -first time starting a mission fund for a child of mine
          -ok so it doesn't even have a dollar in it yet, but Albert and I figured that every little penny put in is a penny towards our son serving a mission, so might as well build it'll add up quickly...hopefully.
     -first time in over 2 years attempting to make potatoes au grauten...haven't tasted it's still in the oven
          -this first time resulted in my first big cut since getting pregnant and lots of bleeding despite it being a very shallow wound...which may or may not have caused me to almost pass out.
     -first time in over a month that I've kept Albert up all night with moving around and talking in my sleep.
          -ok maybe this is the second...but then the first time would have been the night before...I was so proud of myself haha.
     -first time that I've actually noticed just how often I get hungry during the's like every hour...or even half hour...yay for chips and salsa!
that's all the firsts I'm able to think of right now...yep!  it's been a good happy time  :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

almost a banana
 is the day!  We find out if we're having a boy or a girl. :)  This coming Sunday makes us at week 20 (the half-way point, so after this it's all...downhill and getting bigger) which according to the site that sends me e-mails every week means that the baby is about the length of a banana.  I'm starting to actually show and am having a harder time fitting into most of my older shirts ("most" because I had a couple of those "I look like a maternity shirt but still look cute on a not pregnant person" shirts).  I haven't really felt the baby moving yet...I think I felt a bit of a flutter the other day, but it hasn't happened again yet so...we'll see.
         Morning sickness is totally gone (though I still have some troubles with really greasy meats like bacon, sausages and Wendy's hamburgers) and though I'm still tired, I usually feel fairly awake in the morning (so that's the time to see me right now cuz I won't be a total space case like I get in the evenings).
         Albert has been very good with dealing with all the moodiness, and tiredness, and crying, and mind changing, and picky-eatingness that comes with me being pregnant. :)  He also has been very patient with me counting down the days until today (when we find out what we're having) and with me getting hungry at really random times (like right before we're going to bed...though he does still look at me like "are you SERIOUSLY hungry again?" haha) now I just need to work on getting him to get the food for me lol.
         So: thoughts right before going in to the OB/GYN
-we don't care if it's a boy or a girl...we just would really like a healthy baby.
-Albert is still worried that it's going to end up being twins even though the Dr. told us that if it were twins I'd be bigger by now (blame that on a couple of games of life and a dream his dad about us having twins without knowing that that same night Albert and I talked about the possibility of us having twins)
-Albert's mom is DEAD convinced that it's a boy...she says it's because I was so sick during morning sickness.
-Laura C. and Mandy (from work) both think it's a girl...they didn't give any reasons.
-I don't know what to think it is.
-Albert's dad is super duper excited...I think he's almost as excited as I am haha. :) it's a good thing.  our baby is going to have a great grandpa. :)
-it's going to be a lot easier after this appointment because now when people ask me what I'm having I can actually say that I know (unless the baby decides to be shy...we're hoping it won't be) and I can start planning on what the room is going to look like and start making outfits for it (with the help my ridiculous crafty sister, Andrea)
-I'm still trying to get Albert to speak more Spanish around the house now because some studies say that the baby is starting to hear far I speak more Spanish than he does...even though he knows I'd be able to understand most of what he was saying to me.
-randomly feeling grateful that my child has decided that it DOES like sugar (unlike it was acting like at the very start of the pregnancy)...this is emphasized by the fact that Valentine's day is Sunday and my mom has sent out the valentine's day cookies...
         -laughing at Albert for not liking as much frosting as my mom usually puts on the cookies so she just frosted the edges and wrote his name in the middle and he seemed so relieved when I told him haha.

now my mind is on a tangent and really just wants to think about sugar...totally going to have rice crispies when I get home from school hahahaha. good thing I only have 1 class today.
Anyway, more later...hopefully including at least one picture. :)