Wednesday, April 20, 2011

29.5 Weeks OR A Slight Change in Plans

So, it's been a while since I posted.  And not that much has happened...I think...We'll see.
First an update on Johnathan (yes that's how we're spelling his name):
     -He's healthy and growing just like the Dr. thinks he should (which is wonderful)
     -He hasn't made me diabetic (yay!  not that it would have made much of a difference in my eating habits since Albert, but whatever)
     -He refuses to kick for his dad.
     -His favorite thing to do (as far as I can tell) is kick my bladder (he needs to learn a new trick)
     -He also likes to kick just anywhere...and punch...and just push out slowly (which feels weird)
     -He's got a whole bunch of clothes that Albert's mom and I got at a sale thingy for wonderfully low prices.
          -this includes bibs and little tiny socks that I think are so completely adorable (albert thinks I'm ridiculous)

That's about all that's new with him...exempt I finally finished the teddy bear I started over a year ago and have decided to give it to him.

As for me...well...there have been some interesting changes:
So, previously my plan was to continue on with school until I fully graduated with my Bachelors (even with the baby) ...however, at this point, reality has hit and Albert and I are seeing that I'm an extreme stress case now with just being pregnant, working, going to school, and doing homework. So, next fall will be my last semester unknown time. Luckily I only have one class left before I have fully completed my Associates degree in Elementary Education here at UVU (yet another blessing of UVU....they actually give out associates degrees.) Anyways yeah. I had very mixed feelings when Albert and I first talked about this (scared, unsure, not sure if I'd be happy with myself, all the while knowing that it'd get rid of a TON of stress and I'd have more time with Johnathan), but with a slight change in med-school plans we now hope to stay in Utah, where one does not need even an associate's degree in order to be an elementary school librarian. yep. that's the plan. I'll stop school to become what I'm going to school to be...

Other than that, life goes on and we're happy!
     Albert is almost done with finals (mine start next week) and has thinks that I've gone completely baby crazy and tries to "limit my time with babies". Unfortunately for Albert's best efforts, I have been called as the Primary President in our ward...and since the oldest child in our ward is 2 I spend all of my time after sacrament meeting on Sunday with adorable little children.
     A few Sundays ago, my counselor, Kristen, was trying to shoot some balls into the basketball hoop on the opposite side of the room ("Jimmer range" as we decided to call it) and two balls bounced off and went into the trash. the oldest nursery child exclaimed "You put it in the trash!" and proceeded to tell her that every few minutes. Needless to say, he made us laugh a lot.
     Oh! I almost forgot, while I was hanging out with Andrea, she very graciously helped me make a changing pad for a diaper bag (which I have yet to make, but I have the fabric for it...I've just been sick and so have been avoiding getting Ange's adorable girls sick). it turned out pretty well. :) Albert even was impressed...which made me very happy because he has this thing against re-using fabric and sewing things that I'm REALLY trying to get him over...I will succeed!!
     Due to a lot of rain this past week, we've discovered a leaky roof right over the toilet...lots of it doesn't drip INTO the toilet...just on the seat.  Luckily we're going to get it fixed soon...
     So yep, that's us. :)  We happy and almost healthy and very ready to be done with this semester (though Albert is still taking summer classes).
     Still no baby-bump pictures yet...sorry...maybe next time?

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