Friday, April 29, 2011

"The only reason people want you to post pregnant pictures is so that they can see you fat" -a very close friend

it's true.  Thinking about it, when one is pregnant is the only time that society doesn't look at them and think "woah fat is ugly" instead they think "oh cute pregnant woman" fact, I've had more people bug me about eating more now that I'm pregnant than I've ever had bugging me...people get upset that I'm not fatter than I's kind of funny.  And now for a picture of my pregnant belly. :)
 bahahaha...sorry...I did just promise a picture of my belly...there are actually much better pictures of me pregnant and some that even include albert, but I don't have those...I need to get them from Albert's aunt.
Happy news: I'm done with all of my finals and feel like I did pretty dang well on all of them...Albert has started school again, but isn't completely stressed out yet... thus, we are happy.
So, recent adventuring led me to my sister's house with a yard of aqua fabric and an excited feeling to both see my adorable nieces and to sew a diaper bag. :D
Upon arrival at my sister's house, I, my sister, and my older niece, Brooklyn (or B) went down to my sister's sewing room.  We laid out the fabric and began cutting.  After I'd sewn the first two pieces together (which was right) I flipped the fabric over to discover little loopies in the stitching...I didn't really care, but I figured Andrea would...apparently her tension disks were off and we couldn't figure out how to fix them...ange even took the machine apart.

   We never did discover what was wrong with it...well...not while I was there, after I'd left Andrea figured it out, but that's a different story.
So, since we couldn't sew at the time, Ange cut out all of the little pieces I'd need and told me exactly how to sew them (I have a sewing machine...I just hadn't brought it with me).
While all this was going on, B was generally a very happy kid (exempt when she fell on the sewing machine case and bit halfway through her lip...not fun).

Deciding not to give up on sewing all the way, I decided to try to find where Thad (andrea's husband) had put the sewingmachine that my parents had bought for my younger sister and stored at Ange and Thad's place.  I found it...and carried it upstairs (shhh...don't tell albert...not that it's heavy at all)
After that, we had a delicious lunch of quesadillas (aka, tortillas with cheese on them), pineapple and bbq chips.  Addie woke up right before we started eating and decided she was hungry as well.  After B and Addie had both finished eating, Ange put addie on the couch and B, being the sweet older sister she is (she gets it from her mom), went over and laid next to her...
which earned her some chocolate...I guess I'll have to be more nice to babies to get more chocolate haha.
(oh, random cute picture of my sister with both her girls...wiping spit off of addie's face)

After that, Ange laid both the girls down for naps and we went downstairs to look at crafty blogs, the singer sewing machine manual, and sew a little more.
(Andrea told me that this was her "chipmunk face")
We didn't end up finishing the bag, but made plans to meet up again and finish... :D  over all it was a very fun satisfyingly baby-filled trip.  Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. When I tell you I want to see more pictures on your blog, I do NOT mean pictures of me.
    The end.
