Sunday, May 1, 2011

As the time draws near...

...and we slowly get everything together for the baby, everything becomes more real...and it's kind of crazy.
Wonderful quote from Albert: "I can't believe in 63 days we're having a baby...a REAL baby...not one of those fake ones we get at the store"
:) Oh I love him.
          -31 weeks today
          -Johnathan has finally started kicking for Albert.  A few days ago Albert had his arm around me and his hand on my stomach and, almost instantly, Johnathan kicked him.  Early the next morning, Albert had his hand on my stomach over the blanket and Johnathan was trying really hard to kick his hand and get his dad to feel it. YAY!
          -Braxton-Hicks contractions have far no pain... which is good.
          -I'm sick again.  with another stuffy far I haven't really been I'm hoping that I can keep it just at sniffles
                    -Somehow whenever any of my co-workers is sick, I catch what they have.  A few weeks ago, Denise was sick with a sore throat and a cold...the next day, I had the same thing.  Last Friday, Janet came to work with no voice and the next day I was sniffing as well.  too bad I can't take anything stronger than calcium (plus sleep) to ward off illness...airborne and echenasia (sp?) are off limits because of the baby...please, if you have any good suggestions for keeping healthy that I haven't listed, please let me know...both albert and I are tired of me getting sick.
                    -Fortunately, I called my dr. the last time I was sick (two weeks ago) and was told that I can take robetessen (even DM) and any kind of tylonol and even musinex...I don't have a ton of stuff left over from being sick last time, but tomorrow I've scheduled a trip to the store to fix that...
          -We finally have a crib!!!! We got it today when we went to Albert's parents' house. :)  (we have wonderful in-laws)
           -My birthday and then baby shower are this week...and I don't really know what I want/need...ah well...
          -There is officially not a single episode of Hogan's Heroes that I have not seen and/or slept through. Albert watches it a lot...the only reason I'm ok with it is because it is 99% clean and it's funny and he likes it and I usually like it and I can block it out really well... :)
           -Albert and I's new favorite date spot is Nickle City in Orem.  we have collected just around 8545 tickets all together...we're going for 30,000 so that we can get the Ipod prize...we're not in a rush to get's just something we're doing for fun.
Fun fact: Today I was frying 2 eggs for Albert, and one of them had a double yolk! I was super excited.
So yep...that's us!

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