Saturday, May 7, 2011


There are times when honestly I wonder how the Lord puts up with my stubbornness and my near-sightedness.   All the same, I'm very glad for His patience. :)  After all, without that, I wouldn't have been able to end up with Albert.  And though we have very different backgrounds (i.e. my huge family vs. his medium sized family (which was small for most of his life), my not being spoiled by any aunts or uncles vs. his being the most definite favorite nephew here in the US and thus spoiled "rotten", and my growing up looking at prices first and then at the item vs. Albert's growing up looking at the item and sometimes hardly even glancing at the prices (though honestly, he's a LOT better at getting deals than he was when we first met)) we end up getting along quite well.  Super duper well.
     Some of the reasons why I love Albert so much:
-He makes up songs for/about me
-He always sings every single hymn in church.
-He does things like let me get icecream and cake mix to make icecream cake two days after my birthday.
-He insists that I do things for myself (like when I'm supposed to buy myself a has to be something that I would use just for me haha)
-He works very hard at school so that he can get great grades so that he can go to a great medical school so that he can reach his goals and provide for our family.
-He compromises with me (i.e. He let me convince him to at least give Johnathan a middle initial)
-He demands that I go to bed when I'm sick and doesn't really give me a choice about it.
-Even though I sometimes accidentally keep him up at night, he doesn't make me leave bed and he just puts up with it. :)
-He watches nice shows and movies with me late at night so that I don't have bad dreams at night.
-He massages my legs when I get cramps in them in the middle of the night. (he's very, very good about wonderful!)
-He is an amazing cook (seriously...if you've never had his cooking, you's wonderful)
-He likes to show me off and make me feel beautiful.
-He randomly surprises me with chocolate. :)
-He is very cuddly and likes having me close to him (exempt for when I'm burning hot because of my little "bun in the oven")
-He makes me want to be better
-He helps me stand up when I'm tired
-and (last for right now) he loves feeling Johnathan moving and has been very patient with my crazy baby-craziness and he helps me not pile too much stuff on myself for getting ready for the baby at once.
     Yeps.  I caught a good one.  and there are so many other things that he does that I didn't put in the above list...but I'm grateful for all of them...he's so good to me...I'm so lucky to have him. :D  yep...I hope our son can be like him. :)


  1. Aw, that's precious Melanie! I'm so glad you caught a good one :)

  2. And by the way, don't be alarm when you see the name 'Krispy', it's just me, Kristi, your roommate from 3 summers ago :D (I have two google accounts and the other one for some reason wasn't letting me post a comment.)
