Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sleep Talk, Crazy Patrons, and the New Ward

          So it is a well known fact that I talk in my sleep.  I've expressed adoration, hatred and even threatened people all completely asleep.  I have gotten good enough that I can even pray out-loud and seem fairly conscious (exempt for a few random blessings for the village in How to Train Your Dragon because of the fire troubles they've been having or mixing up some words etc.)  I've had several regular conversations (talking about like how I was feeling etc) at night with Albert that I have absolutely no recollection of.
          What isn't very well known is that Albert talks in his sleep.  One night I was waking him up from where he'd fallen asleep on the couch and when I was trying to convince him that he'd be a lot more comfortable in bed he stated "it was a a bullet that came out of the couch" or something like that.  the next morning I asked him about it and he had no idea what I was talking  about.  A couple nights ago we had a conversation that made a lot more sense.
          I was rummaging on our dresser for the tums at about 2:15 am and since the light was off and my contacts weren't in, I really couldn't see at all and so I was making a tiny bit of noise (really not very much)...
     Albert:SHHH!!!  Melanie BE QUIET!!!! Stop making so much noise!
     Me: I'm not making that much noise.
     Albert: Yes you ARE!  now SHHHHH!!!
     Me: Albert, you be quiet, you're not even awake.
     Albert: Yes I am!!
Two seconds later he was snoring.
The next morning I asked him about it.
     Me:So do you remember yelling for me to be quiet last night?
     Albert: I didn't yell at you last night.

          Another well known fact is that I work at the Provo City Public Library.  This morning, I was checking in items from our outside book-drops and found the following note "Dear Library Staff, the annotations, underlinings, and other pencil and ink marks within this book were not made by me, nor would I ever do something so irresponsible to a library book.  Please do not hold me responsible for their existence.  Thank You, Card Holder *********"  While I'm sure the patron meant well, they had taped the note into the book...I feel sorry for the clerk who gets to explain to this patron how irresponsible taping things into books is.
         Yet another interesting experience today involved me, a random man who looked kind of old-ish, and a woman with a young son.  While waiting in line (we were short-handed and while I was making a card for someone a line formed and there wasn't anyone to call out to help), this man turned to the woman with her son and started asking her about him, if it was her first, how many she wanted.  I don't remember how many kids she wanted, but he stated that he had 8 children but was working on 10. my first thought was does your wife know?  do you have a wife?  and then I decided to stick with   Great thanks for telling us. but he didnt' stop there...he went on to announce that his grandma had 16 kids and his great grandma had 20 something. Wow...not even my parents are that crazy.  When he got to the front of the line he promptly noticed that I was pregnant (as I can no longer hide it haha).  He then asked me what number I was on.  I was tempted to say thirteen or some crazy nuber...but I didn't.  I told him it was my first and he asked how many kids I wanted "10?  12?  8?" ...hahahahahaha I think Albert would go crazy. "more like 5" to which he replied "well, at least you aren't just wanting this one"  which caused more internal laughter because Albert insists that this is going to be our only child because he doesn't want to put up with me being pregnant again (I swear I'm not THAT bad...usually).
         yep.  that's life at the library :)  random people sharing a LOT of information that you don't always need/want to the random under-washed man with a construction helmet under his arm sharing with me that he met a girl 4 days before and proposed to her an hour after knowing her...and that her parents were a little upset at him and that she hadn't told him 'no'
          the other part of life at the library is my co-worker Denise making "pregnant woman jokes" and patrons getting really mad at us because of the library policies that we can't change.  And other patrons being shocked that they need to have their library card or photo id to check items out. and other patrons coming over from Orem being shocked that they need to register their card with us because our computers aren't networked with the library in Orem so we don't have their records and that in order to register they have to have photo ID and a proof of address for where they currently live and it has to have THEIR name on it...yep....this all happened today.
           Now, not all patrons are horrible like that...random patrons (the old ones mostly) give you candy. and some are very nice and smile and are very happy and make you feel happy that you can work with them and wonder why everyone can't be like them.  and some don't throw complete fits about having a lot of fines because they had 30 books and they kept them all a week and a half overdue and didn't bother trying to renew them. yep. :)  it's patrons like those that make working at the library all worth it...

         Now about our new ward.  Because there were so many single people living around BYU they dissolved 2 of the stakes (our old one included) and moved a lot of boundaries around.  Albert and I were lucky enough to still be in a married student ward.  It's not exactly like our old ward, but that's ok because the church is still true there and the members are still happy people who love the Lord and the Spirit is still strong in the meetings.  Our new bishop made me laugh this Sunday when we turned in our new member sheet because he had to switch from "Contreras" to "Melanie" which apparently doesn't transition well when you aren't used to saying it.  But that's ok. :)  (I wonder how confused everyone is going to be when our name officially changes to "Helsing"...haha)  Today, I have been especially fellow shipped by our new ward. My visiting teachers came over and visited (they both seem like very nice and happy people and I'm excited to get to know them better) and taught me and inspired me. :)  Later (I guess about 1/2 an hour ago) there was a knock on our door and when I answered it there was a couple from the ward (the Hoppers I think...the wife is the Relief Society President) with a flyer about a ward activity going on tomorrow night.

        so yeah.  life is good.  My dad is currently on his way out here with my brother Michael and his family cuz they're moving eventually to Spanish Fork area (they just found out they're having a little boy YAY!  Johnathan will have yet another little boy cousin near-by) So I get to see them soon which makes me super happy because I haven't seen Michael and crew since my wedding and I haven't seen my dad since it'll be good to catch up. :)  So, more adventures later!

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