Saturday, August 13, 2011


Time flies when basically all you do is sit at home and feed the baby and change the baby and burp the baby and try to make up for the sleep you didn't get at night because you were staying up with the baby.
It's really hard to believe he's actually a month old!! Right now he's sitting in his bouncer beside me looking back and forth between me and the ceiling fan.

Updates on Johnathan:
-He isn't really smiling very much yet (like REAL smiles...he smirks all the time when he's falling asleep (so cute!)), though I did get a good smile last night when I was bathing him after he spit up all over the both of us.
-He's starting to make noises OTHER than crying (and coughing and sneezing and hiccuping) which is really fun.  Can't wait for more!
-He still doesn't really like to sleep at night, but he's getting better at staying awake during the day and then crushing my hopes of him sleeping at night.
-he sleeps with his arms over his head.
-His stomach can't handle it when I eat dairy.  Though it's a lot better about cheddar cheese right now...but recently I've eaten American cheese and have had to do several loads of laundry as a result (I'm tempted to eat swiss cheese to see if it's just the nationality, but I hate I probably won't)
-He hasn't really been trying to roll over very much yet.
-He LOVES LOVES LOVES to cuddle...and he REALLY doesn't like that we're trying to cuddle with him less so that I'll be able to get housework done with TWO hands later on instead of one.
-He has yet to cry for no reason (be it hunger, air bubbles, messy diapers, or just wanting to cuddle)
-He is getting better at being content without mommy holding him all day (YAY!!)
-when we do cuddle with him, he loves putting his head right under our chins and pushing up. (silly boy)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things I've Learned in the Month Since Becoming a Mother:

-It's not a good idea to let your husband take classes for the first little bit of having a baby...especially if he has hard classes that he has to spend extra time up on campus studying for...
-When babies cry they actually DO say "Wah"
-No matter how many diapers you get at your baby shower, it's never enough.
-Babies poop a TON.
-I need "rewards" (even if they're as simple as Albert getting home and changing a few of Johnathan's diapers) to get me through the day.
-When I take several naps during the day, it makes it so that I can't fall asleep at night...but I don't sleep at night, so I need to take naps during the day to catch up.
-Even though babies stomachs are small, they can throw up a TON.
-You take a HUGE risk when changing a boys diaper if you don't keep him covered. (I already knew this...I just had to re-learn it several times before it stuck)
-having the ability to feed your child can be extremely painful...especially if they don't eat on time.
-when you take a sleeping infant to church you hear all the other children's crying a lot more than you did before.
-screen savers are also ear savers...Johnathan LOVES just sitting and watching our computer screen saver (some bubbles that float around on the screen and change colors...WONDERFUL!)