Friday, September 16, 2011


Wow time has flown!
Poor Johnathan had his 2-month dr. appointment yesterday.  those of you with kids know that that's when they get the first big round of immunization shots.  I was really worried because Albert hadn't been able to come with me because of classes and I knew that if Johnathan was anything like me he'd be a pill about getting his shots.  luckily, he wasn't like me.  he took his shots like a "man" and only cried for about a minute after he got them.  He even fell asleep on the way home.  Unfortunately, last night he refused to sleep unless we were cuddling with him.  This morning, we took his temperature (he'd felt really hot) and the thermometer said 99.2!!!  Honestly I'm still a little worried because this is my first experience with my baby being sick...we went and got some children's Tylenol-type stuff (off brand basically)  when I left for work he was finally sleeping on his own (though in his cuddle-doughnut thingy)
Anyways: Other updates for Month two of Johnathan's life:
-at the dr's office he weighed 13lbs and 9oz and was 24 inches long (big boy)...his head size was in the 15th percentile...
-he's started smiling a TON (I'll post a video soon) and has even begun to babble a little...which is SO much fun.
     -he's kind enough to smile at me when he's being a pill and wanting to be up late at night. :) it makes everything better.
(this is one of his smaller smiles lol)
-he's FINALLY started sleeping well at night (with the exemption of last night, but he was sick so that doesn't really count).
 (his favorite sleeping position...we get screamed at if we try to pin his arms down lol)
-he still spits up a lot when I consume dairy
-According to Albert, Johnathan is awake most of the time when I'm gone at work.  he loves his daddy!
(yes, Albert is telling me not to take the picture hahaha)
-he doesn't fuss as much in the tub and he's a lot better at letting us change his diaper (unless he's hungry).
-oh and apparently he's a carrier for sickle cell...which is strange because as far as Albert and I know we don't have any African American blood in us...but the dr insists we do. Anyway, it's not something to worry about because it has no effect on him. The only time to worry would be if he married another carrier for sickle cell and even then there's only a 25% chance that their baby would actually have the disease. (yay punit squares!)

updates on Albert and I:
-we switch to the xfinity comcast under MY name so it's cheap again...also we have cable...which albert is SUPER excited about especially because it's football season again. (he was up watching a game just last night)
-Albert has started school again. (he's taking Cell Bio (from my uncle Paul), Organic Chemistry, Floral design (which i'm happy about because it means I get flowers almost every week), Statistics, and a research class)
-Albert got a job last week as a janitor in the SWKT from 4am to 7:30am.
-This week he got promoted to crew supervisor and got a pay raise.  (blessings from us paying fast offerings)
-I am still working. (really there's nothing exciting going on in my life personally...which is ok because I need a bit of calm)
-oh I've managed to basically cut dairy completely out of my diet...which feels horrible because I have begun craving lesagna and pizza and cheese burgers a lot recently. Ugh! I do cheat and eat chocolate still...though not often.

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