Friday, September 16, 2011

Baby Blessing and Birthday Parties

Johnathan was blessed on August 7th. :)  My parents and my 4 youngest siblings few in from Virginia for the event. It was a bit of a hectic day because Albert and I had an pre-church meeting with the rest of the ward missionaries (oh, did I mention we were called as ward missionaries...I guess not...sorry) and I wanted to give Johnathan a bath and he wasn't too fond of baths at the time (he usually likes them now) so it took a little bit to get him ready.  Luckily we made it to our meeting just in time.  And then we waited excitedly for our families and friends to show up at the chapel.
The blessing went really well. :)

 After the blessing, we took the party to one of my family member's house (it's technically my Aunt's house but my sister's family is renting it...and shortly the blessing luncheon my older brother and his family were renting yeah).  There we had delicious sub sandwiches purchased from Wal-mart and watermelon and water. :)  yay!  there were lots of games played (mostly a wonderful game called 'Munchkin' which my brother Ben dominated at...usually with the help of another person, but still) and hugs exchanged and smiles and full stomachs and leftovers.  in the end it was a very happy day with lots of loving family and friends in which I hardly ever held Johnathan (who was mostly awake the whole, he didn't sleep well that night).

Albert turned 24!  Yay for living another year!
yep... he was super excited to get the game Munchkin (many thanks to Mike for editing the cards for us).  most of the rest of his presents were money (which went towards school books haha).  On Albert's Birthday (the 8th...also the day after Johnathan's baby blessing) we went to Albert's Aunt's house (Aunt Sonia) and had a party there which also celebrated the births of Albert's Uncle Mark  and Albert's younger sister Vanessa.  Unfortunately, Albert felt sick most of the night...and then Johnathan felt sick and spit up ALL over Albert...we weren't smart enough to have brought an extra shirt for we went home soon after that.  That night albert continued to feel sick, so Johnathan and I went and slept in his room (he in his crib and me on the floor).  Thus, albert was able to get a good night of rest. :)

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