Monday, October 3, 2011

3 months? Already?

wow.  time flies.  and I've been horrible about posting often on here. oops?  So.  Yep.  Johnathan is three months old today!
new things:
-he LOVES swinging in the baby swing we bought (we put him in it right after we got it home and made sure it was clean and he was passed out within 5 minutes YES!)
-he is EXTREMELY smiley and is starting to talk a lot more (video to come when I finally am able to get him to "talk" to the camera)
happy boys watching a movie together.
-he can ALMOST roll over...he just hasn't figured out how to get past his arm yet...mixed feelings about him being able to move about the house.
-he usually will only wake up once during the we lay him down for good around 10-10:30 and then he'll sleep until about 3:30, eat, and then sleep until 7:30-8 (sometimes later).
-he loves tummy time as long as his back is being patted.  ah well.
-he smiles really big when kissed on the nose...and when you give him "buh"s (um...basically blowing a raspberry on the stomach...not sure what other people people call it...that's just what my family always called it because that's the noise it makes)
-his stomach is apparently becoming less sensitive to dairy because I ate both cream of mushroom soup and cream of chicken soup and he didn't have a very big reaction to them. YAY!  I ate a little cheese this morning so we'll see how well his stomach reacts to it later.
-where we thought he hated being swaddled, turns out we were wrong.  Recently my sister showed me (as our sister-in-law had showed her) that all babies still love to be swaddled even if they usually sleep with their arms out.  :)

Albert and I:
-Albert's name is now officially "Albert V Helsing" YAY!
last picture as "Albert Contreras"
Us with Albert's grandma up in Salt Lake City :)
-My last name is still Evans haha.
-I had a guy hit on me over the phone at work...and when I brought up that I had a son he still assumed I wasn't married...that was interesting.
-I tried original soy milk and discovered that it tastes a little like melted time I will get chocolate.
     -the soy milk has luckily not had a big horrible effect on any of my cooking that involves milk.  :)  except for the chocolate cake (from scratch) I baked recently...that tasted a little funny....ah well. :P
That's about all the "new" things for us!


  1. An emotional moment for me. This line of the family, once on the brink of extinction now has 3 generations of male Helsings. Love you guys. VERY proud of Albert.
