Monday, October 17, 2011

Rappin' and Rollin'

This morning Johnathan rolled over for the first time.  I'd had him doing tummy time, and then I noticed that his legs were still straight, but he was on his side on his chest. then he went all the way.  He hasn't done it since and he still can't quite roll from his back to his front, but a roll-over is a roll-over. :)

Unfortunately the "rappin" part has nothing to do with a video of him talking...As soon as I pull the camera out to get a video he gets all camera shy. ugh!

In fact the "rappin' " part has nothing to do with Johnathan...
Saturday, Albert, Johnathan and I went to the BYU lost and found sale.  We found some nice things...mostly things that I would a hat and a coat (it's really cute!) and some earrings (50c a pair!) and an adorable necklace...we also got a dufflebag, an umbrella, some gloves, some bike helmets, and some other stuff that is escaping my memory...
anyways, it was a prosperous trip.  While we were there, we made albert dress up...I almost decided to buy the stuff because it was such a convincing costume...ah well...he made me promise not to post the picture I took on facebook...but said nothing about posting it on the blog.  so SHHH!!!  don't tell him it's here!
:)  yep, that's my husband haha.
so yeah. life is good.  Johnathan is growing (oh! he's also starting to blow spit bubbles!) and developing...and going through TONS of diapers...Albert is doing his best to keep up with school work...and me, I'm just trying to not take half an hour to fall asleep at night and dreading next school semester (hopefully the math class will be just like the first half and I can mostly ignore the teacher and do all of my homework in class...*crossing fingers*) and being excited for Halloween and the candy it brings. :)


  1. I have to agree-definitely cuter!(I didd't think that was possible as he was already pretty cute!)
