Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Half a Year!...and half a month

Hard to believe John is already 6 months old.  He's growing up SOOO much!
Fun things since last month:
-he now can roll over front to back and back to front.  this causes some distress when he decides to show off in the middle of me changing messy diapers and he wants to grab the old diaper.
-he's already started pushing back up onto his knees. :)
-he is trying to blow raspberries.  it's his new favorite thing...he's actually getting pretty good at it. :)
-he got a stuffed polar bear from Aunt Sonia for Christmas that vibrates/shivers when you hug it and he LOVES it when we hug him with it. :)
-he's now getting TWO solid feedings a day...and we've had to start putting rice cereal in with the fruits and veggies so that he'll sleep longer.
-sometimes I  don't even have to hold his hands down while I'm feeding him (he'll keep them down himself)...other times it's a huge battle to keep him from getting carrots or beans or whatever it is I'm feeding him all over the place.
-he loves carrots and green beans still.  we've also found that he likes sweet potatoes and bananas...he's not sure how he feels about apple sauce and will now tolerate peas. (practice for his mission right? haha)
-for his 6 mo. appointment, we found out that his head size was in the 9th percentile and the dr said that that's usually when they start getting a little worried that the bones are sealing up, so we went and got x-rays taken of his head and the dr called that night and said that everything was fine. yay!
-he LOVES the sounds of ducks.  that's what Albert's tone is for when he gets texts...so when he gets texts Johnny's head whips around to find the duck :)

About Albert and I:
-We're back in school!  both of us.  I'm only taking two classes, so it's not that bad, but Albert is taking 14 credits again (ochem, advanced physiology, advanced physiology lab, mission prep, and research).  We're also both working still.  Luckily, we've still worked it out so that he has John when I'm in class or at work and I usually have him when he's in class.
-I applied for a job at one of the reference desks at the library.  if I get it, it will almost double my pay check. the position closed today...and I won't hear if I even get an interview until the last day of the month...ah well...
-Albert also was told about a TA opening for Chem 107.  and the hours fit PERFECTLY into his schedule...he hasn't heard anything back about it yet, but the teacher specifically asked him to apply for the job. :)
-When the Dr. was talking to us about John's head size, he measured our heads (apparently the children follow one parent or the other).  my head was in the 25th percentile and Albert's was in the 98th percentile. haha.  so John is getting my head size. :)
-Albert's mom and I decided that Johnathan's first birthday was going to be Cars themed.  and while it's a tradition for Albert's family to have tres leches cake at birthdays, my family always has had the tradition of a homemade cake...so we're doing both...and I wanted to make a car-shaped cake for Johnathan...so I started practicing.  and this is my first (and not so beautiful) attempt.

-So yeah. :)  we're good.  and happy.  loving life. :)  eating cookies and dipping them in delicious milk. :) yep.  life is wonderful.
sorry that there weren't very many pictures this time...

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