Friday, February 3, 2012

7 months!!

wow.  time flies when you're chasing a little one around the living room floor. So, little Johnny boy is growing up. it's crazy how fast it happens.  I found a great quote/poem:

I hope my children 
look back on today
And see a mother 
who had time to play
There will be years 
for cleaning and cooking...
For children grow up 
when we're not looking.

yep.  I'm pretty sure sometime soon I'll take the time to cross stitch it or something...but I really want to put it up in my house...or at least in Johnny's bedroom.
Johnathan LOVES to kick his legs around (not that he didn't before...especially while he was inside me)...he'd stopped doing it as much for a while but now he's throwing his legs around like nobody's business...which is usually ok because we don't have any downstairs neighbors to complain about all the thumping...I just feel bad when we're in the mother's room at church and Johnathan is throwing his legs around on top of the changing area and there are other babies in there who are falling asleep...yeah.
Johnathan is also pushing up onto his knees a LOT more...and rolling around everywhere and scooting in circles and it's CRAZY! yep.
Johnathan has decided to giggle a lot more.  this morning I spent a good half hour laughing with him (he likes to laugh when I talking in growly voices or really squeaky ones...and when I laugh) and . :)  the other day he was even laughing in his sleep...which was a little pitiful because he was quite sick at the time (really runny nose and a bad cough).   anyway, here's a video of Albert getting John to laugh. :)

-john is now a lot better at seeing what he wants and doing everything to get it.  he can scoot a little and roll and turn himself around on his tummy.  this makes tub time very...interesting...and wet outside the tub.
-he has decided he doesn't like green beans and his current favorite toy is a little giraffe that I brought home from the library (washed MANY times before given to him of course since it was in the lost and found).
-he's still working on sitting up
-he LOVES to play with wipes and diapers (dirty and clean haha)
-he still really loves to cuddle.
-he's started reaching for us more when he wants to be picked up (which is way cute and usually works on at least me)
-still no teeth, though he drools all the time and almost always has something in his mouth...unfortunately, unless he has a toy in his hands (and sometimes even when he does have one) the thing in his mouth is usually his thumb...yeah, we're working on breaking that.
-he still hasn't started crawling yet, but that's ok.
-he is always trying to taste my I let long as albert's not there to stop me. ;)
-he loves playing with albert's text books...which are basically only out when Albert is studying so...yeah...doesn't make daddy too happy. :P
-he has begun pulling himself up into a sitting position...usually on the side of his crib.
-he's been sick this past week with a stuffy/runny nose and a bad cold, but he's on the up-and-up now.  earlier this week he would cough and then start crying because his throat was so sore from all the coughing.  he still gets snot bubbles in his nose, but he's not coughing even a fourth as much as he was before and he's not sneezing as much and his nose isn't running...just a little stuffed.  most of this progress was in the past day...I'm thanking the humidifier and patty-patties on the back.  so yeah.  I had a MUCH happier baby this morning...which made me happy which means Albert will be happy which means our whole little family will be happy, but unfortunately doesn't mean that Albert won't have a TON of homework to do tonight or that I get to skip class and work.  but at least we're happy today right?!
-John can now hold his own bottle...he's not very good at getting it in his mouth well enough to drink, but he can hold it and chew on it...
(that's the rare case when he actually has managed to keep the bottle in his mouth for a while haha)

so updates on Albert and I:
-I've ended up taking Johnathan with me to my stress management class on fridays almost every week now because albert is busy...and he was going to take John THIS week...only he has a "wet lab" so john isn't allowed in there. :P  next week!
-Albert got a job as a Chem 107 TA!!!! yay!!! now our only problem is trying to find his Chem 107 stuff...ugh.  Unfortunately, he'll only be working about 5 hours at this job, so he still has to keep his janitor job. :(  he says he's going to have me help with some of the grading...I told him he has to pay chocolate...he hasn't gotten back to me on that. heh heh.
-I don't think there's anything else new...if I think of it I'll probably just post again. :)

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