Friday, February 10, 2012

*insert creative title here*

So, apparently my camera is lost...or else I'd be posting a lot more pictures/videos on here.  anyways, we've been enjoying Johnathan learning about Cheerios.  I sit him in his high chair while I'm cooking/cleaning in the kitchen and put a handful of cheerios on his's been really fun to watch as he tries to learn how to get them in his mouth.  He's getting WAY better at his pincer grasp, but still struggles with actually getting it in his fingers in such a way that he can get the cheerio in his mouth.  usually he ends up with just his thumb in his mouth. :)  lol it's really fun to watch him and see his face go "dang it!  I didn't get it again!"  every now and again he succeeds...though usually the cheerio comes right out again...still it was in his mouth.  Sometimes he chokes (it's happened maybe 2-3 times so far...which makes Albert not want to give him cheerios anymore, but the boy has got to learn sometime) but that's why I'm always right there in the room with him.
Also recently, we've been experimenting with giving Johnathan meats.  he hates them with a fiery burning passion.  he even refuses to swallow.  I even tried sneaking a little bit in with his carrots. it did NOT go over well...and then it took a bit for him to trust that I was giving him just carrots.  ah well.
Johnathan has also started getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth (crawling here we come!).  it's really amusing to me to see him act like he's going to go really far and then kind of just drop on his stomach. :)  cute kid.  videos to come...maybe I can convince Albert to take some on his phone while I'm at work today. :)
     Oh!  last night I peeked in on John before we went to bed and found him dead asleep, but using the crib bumper (pulled down a little) as a pillow.  didn't get a picture of it unfortunately. :P  sorry.
     I'm feeling mostly positive about my schooling right now.  I've gotten almost all 100s on all of my quizzes in my Stress management class and I got a 98% on my first math test! yay!  (though right now my math class leaves me feeling REALLY bored...that's what happens when you understand the math and the teacher is REALLY disorganized and scatter brained and probably adhd and really doesn't try to do anything to make class interesting.)  Albert also feels like he's done really well in his classes so far. :)  though he's a little sick right now. :(  he's ended up missing the past 3 days of work, and forcing himself to go to classes so he doesn't miss any of the work and get behind.  but he's starting to feel a little better...I think.
anyways. that's us!  excited for Valentine's Day!  loving life and our little boy and each other! :)

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