Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Johnathan! No! Don't do that!"

^that's what I say most of the time now.  usually it's when he's decided to try to eat albert and I's shoes or our bookbags or a library book or a computer cord. :P
The past month has FLOWN by!
Johnathan has learned how to crawl (he even crawls properly now) and sit up by himself and has started pulling himself up on things (usually this is the side of his crib...or the couch...even the side of the tub if I'm not paying him as much attention to him as he wants me to)

 most of the pictures I have of him are blurry because he's SOOOOO wiggly.

he "bonks" his head a lot more...this usually get's a chorus of "oh yay bonkers!" (or something to that effect) from Albert and I.
He has discovered books and LOVES to chew on them.

and on anything else he can get into his mouth

the crib
Albert's belt
 the lady bug on his toy
 AND the monkey in the tree
 diapers (and his hands) (no worries the diaper is clean, though he tries to go after the dirty ones too)
 small cases with ribbons or cloth stuffed in them
and this is him trying to get my cord...no worries, I didn't let him have it.

 he's talking a LOT more.  :) this is really fun for me because he REALLY likes to talk when it's quiet in the house...which is a lot of the time.  every now and again he'll start making the same noises I make when I'm trying to get him to laugh.  The other day even I was singing a silly song about why I loved him and how much I loved him and every now and again at the start I would go "ooh!" or "ah!" and when I stopped doing that part, he would randomly come in at the right moment and do it for me. :)  SOOOOOO cute!  Recently he's starting trying to say "la" and studies my mouth very hard when I'm saying it.  usually he just get clicking noises, which frustrates him, but is still pretty cute to me.

He's just getting over a bad cold he'd had for about 2 weeks. :(  luckily he LOVED the medicine the dr prescribed for him.
He's wanted to cuddle a lot more at night since getting sick...which isn't so bad cuz he goes to sleep soon after I get home from work anyways. :)  It made me very grateful that we don't have to carry him around for hours to get him to go to sleep like we did back when he was younger.
He still LOVES tub time and splashing and getting water all over me. 

 trying to climb out. :P
he has started to feed himself some.  in the mornings (when i'm eating my breakfast) I'll break up a piece of bread on his tray and put a few pieces within his reach at a time (otherwise he'd stuff the whole thing in his mouth at the same time silly kid).  Albert likes this better than cheerios (which Johnathan has choked on a couple of times).
we discovered that, while he still hates meats just plain, he'll eat the mixed veggies and meats (like the chicken noodle soup and stuff) and LOVES it...I have yet to try mixing the bottles of meat with a bottle of carrots or other veggie...we'll see how that goes.

I guess part of me thought Johnny being able to miss me would be a little happy for me or something, but I now know that part was confused.  Often when I leave the room (or even if Albert leaves the room while I'm still there or if I leave the room while Albert's still there) he starts crying.  and I think "dude, you just saw me, I'll be right back I JUST TOLD YOU that I'll be right back...ugh!"  anyways...every now and again he'll wake up in the middle of the night in hysterics because I'm not right there. :P  I guess it means he loves me right?
Talking about his sleeping habits, for the past 2 nights he's half woken up (eyes still closed and not just cuz he's screaming) and decided he just wants to scream at the top of his lungs AND vocal range for 1/2 an hour to an hour at a time.  feeding him doesn't work very well...Last night he did it while Albert was home (luckily it was right before we went to bed instead of in the middle of me sleeping like the night before) and turns out he just really wants his back patted and to be stood up with (just like he did when he was a little baby)...so I ended up rocking him on the couch and singing him children's hymns.  

As of yesterday, Johnathan has just barely started trying to inch along the edge of something he's standing against (this did NOT make albert very happy haha.  poor guy wants our son to never grow up)  he doesn't do it very well yet, but he does it.

I've decided to give him an actual "bed time" now...so if he's not eating or sleeping by 10 he just gets put in his bed...luckily that's when he's usually tired anyways so I haven't had any problems making that time work.

that's about it that's new for Johnathan...

As for albert and I...hmmm...we got a new entertainment system...

and a new bookshelf (the last tall one broke while albert was moving it as he was reorganizing the living room to fit the entertainment system).

  We were really proud of ourselves for finding both of these for under $300 yay!  anyways yep

Albert's super stressed out this week because he has THREE big tests to take.  (poor guy)
Next week is my spring break (Albert's excited to be able to get some extra homework done, I'm excited to not have to endure my math class)
Someone left their 3g iPhone at the library for a month and didn't pick it up, so now I have a new iPhone....which is used as an iPod cuz we're to cheap to pay for the data plan :P 
because of the large nature of the entertainment system (it takes up a whole wall in our living room...one of the long walls), we gave away one of our couches...the small one person one...
I have OFFICIALLY decided that Papa Johns pizza is WAY better than Pizza Hut pizza (despite their stuffed crust abilities)
other than that...well, we're happy and healthy and loving life and learning and excited for this summer because Albert is FINALLY taking a break from school and he won't have any GOOD excuses for not doing fun things outside. :D

hope you enjoyed the many pictures!

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