Wednesday, April 18, 2012


things that make me happy today:
-the way Johnathan lays his head on my shoulder when I pick him up out of his bed.
-knowing that Albert is done with finals.
-John's grin he gets when I give him a big kiss on the cheek.
-Orange Chicken!!!
-Raisin Bran (which is probably like my very favorite cereal EVER...yes, I would sometimes even choose it over Cinnamon Toast Crunch.)
-Johnathan getting excited when I come home from work
-John saying "ma" even though it's not in reference to least he's saying it.
-watching my adorable little boy's face light up when he catches me watching him.
-the look on John's face when I go into his room when he's just woken up from a nap/sleeping and isn't screaming his head off.
-getting Johnathan to laugh at me.
-finishing my papers (which I'm procrastinating by writing this)
-"talking" with John (huh, I bet you can't tell that Johnathan makes me happy)
-the idea that I have a butter finger that I could eat RIGHT NOW if I wanted...but I'm possibly going to be saving it for until I'm done with finals.
-the idea that Albert and I are going to go to Trifalga next week in honor of me graduating. :)
-plotting tickle battles...made even more fun/happy by the thought that I'm the least ticklish member of my 3-person family. :)
-hearts <3
-Cheerios (cuz they make John so happy)
-having ground beef in my freezer for the first time in FOREVER (we were waiting for it to go on sale, no worries we still had chicken)
-my guitar (I'm planning on playing it sometime today)
-not having to ride the bus.
-a fixed car (all thanks to Thad)
-John trying to find clever ways to steal my glasses (yesterday he tricked me by not looking at me then reaching out and grabbing them without looking.  :P  he's getting clever)
-Johnathan playing with my hands (he likes thumping them on his tray, especially my left hand cuz my ring clicks loudly)
-john copying my speech patterns or the rhythms in which I say words.
-the elevator in the CS building already being up on the 6th floor and open right when I get there so I can take it down to my class.
-knowing I don't have any more math homework.
-the way a room looks right after I've cleaned it.
-being alive.
-knowing that my Father in Heaven loves me, despite everything that I do wrong. :)

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