Saturday, April 28, 2012


So, I finally officially have a college degree. :)  But it's only my Associates.  Still, some degree is better than none, right?  Anyways, I've officially graduated.  No, I didn't walk across a stage or take any cap-and-gown pictures.  I'm just graduated.  :)  Yes, I still plan on getting my Bachelors and then Masters...I'm just waiting until after Albert's done with school and until our children are a little more grown up. So yep! Here's some cute pictures of Johnathan.
 (patting the grass and a dandelion)

(playing with my cousin and her husband and another cousin's daughter.)
 (he LOVES his toothbrush)

 (first time with a sippy cup)
(we're pretty sure Johnathan is going to be a GREAT student because he just wouldn't leave our school books alone. :P   )

That's all for now.  Tune in next week for more pictures and possibly a video of what Johnathan does when I get home from work. :)

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