Saturday, June 9, 2012

Month 11

Sorry that I skipped month 10...I was busy having a birthday and packing and then unpacking.
Johnathan's favorites as of 10 months:
-crawling up on my lap and stealing my glasses (which I wear almost every day now on account of my contacts consistently making my eyes turn red after only a few hours of wearing them)
-drinking from my camelbak water bottle (he likes it better than his sippy cups)
- using my leg as a stepping stool to get up on the couch (this is his newest trick)
-beef/chicken with gravy
-any sweets (usually just something like part of a chocolate chip) I sneak him (shhh! don't tell Albert!)
-chasing his ball around the living room (it actually might be like a cat toy...but it was free and I washed it really well before I let him play with it)
-playing with the toy we got him for Christmas

-going outside.
-Snuggling with daddy
-blowing raspberries and fingers in the mouth (trying to cure him of this)

-playing with his computer mouse
-playing with hangers

-mommy getting home from work.
-pots and spoons
-trying to help me pack by pulling things OUT of the box (usually while Albert is sitting back on the couch laughing at me trying to get Johnathan to not help so much)
-playing in his toy cupboard
-feasting (literally and figuratively) on the picture scriptures we read with him each night.
-getting Albert and I excited by sounding like he's actually using a real word.
-letting go of something for a bit before moving to the next part to walk along.
-randomly letting go and standing for a few seconds
-and just being so darn cute and happy

New Favorites now at 11 months:
-escaping from mommy and climbing up the stairs.
-playing with the little springy things that keep the doors from hitting the walls.
-finding anything in mom and dad's room that mom hasn't put away and playing with it.
-playing with the numerous spark plugs in our new house despite Albert and I's best efforts to convince him not to.
-eating my shoes (I think cuz half of them have bows on them)
-watching me in my new craft room (unless he's hungry)

Johnathan's Dislikes:
-things being taken away from him
-realizing he's pulled something on top of himself and that he can't get out
-falling and hitting his head really hard (which he's doing more and more often because he's trying to explore more)
-bed time when he hasn't fallen asleep from drinking milk.
-me trying to get him to fold his arms when we pray.
-when I poke my head in to see if he's awake, see that he's awake and then don't pick him right away.
-when he sees me get home from work and I don't immediately go and play with him.

Other Antics:
-he STILL thinks he can get away with anything by turning around and grinning at me (unfortunately, this usually is true)
-he consistently chooses mommy over daddy (SCORE!)
-he LOVES to clap!
-He also loves it when we share our food that we're eating with him...which has a wide variety (when Albert isn't looking).
-Yesterday he decided to talk through the majority of the time that he was awake in church.
-he has begun to "sing" more.  if I sing some, he'll try to add on or copy what I was doing.  we went back and forth for a good 15 minutes the other day.  Also, when he cuddle with him at bed time he's started "singing" some then as well. :) 
-I've been trying to train him to go down the stairs...and sometimes he moves his legs correctly while I'm just bracing him...and other times I have to force him to crawl down the stairs...he'll get it eventually.

And since this post is decidedly all about Johnathan and is getting a little long, I think I'll continue with what's new with Albert and I on a different post.


  1. spark plugs, eh? I don't think it means what you think it means...

  2. :P fine not spark plugs. electrical outlets.
