Friday, June 29, 2012

On the way to "The Happiest Place on Earth"

...aka Disneyland.  It was a GREAT trip!  well...mostly. ha.
"about to start the journey pictures"
 yes that's a baby brush
 Albert...well, let's just not tell him this picture is on here ok? haha.
"no comment"
The trip started out pretty good...
johnathan was fairly easily amused in the car
 yes, that's my iPad...
 ...replaced by the cheerio container when he started chewing on my iPad

we stopped at Subway for lunch. :)

Unfortunately when we were about an hour out of Las Vegas (where we were staying the night) our car started having BIG troubles going up hills.  even small yeah...not happy.
We DID make it to Vegas though. :)  and both Albert and Johnathan were sleepy...though Albert was more sleepy in the morning when Johnathan wanted to be awake. :)

This kid still thinks that grinning will keep mommy from being upset that he's up at 5 in the morning...ugh!
 breakfast with Sonia, Kathy, and Kimmi
 he likes my camera
 Sonia decided it was time to teach Johnathan how to play with ketchup

hand print

We ended up leaving our car in Vegas and rode the rest of the way to California with Albert's Uncle Mark and Aunt Sonia.  
 Johnathan did NOT want to hold still.
 Kathy and Kimmi
 Candy...with Albert's feet
 sleepy baby (the only good thing that came out of him waking up so early ha ha)
 Raisins!!...but just the box for him...
 the OFFICIAL "we're leaving on the trip" photo for Albert.
tiny boxes of Cereal
 Albert "stole" Kathy's games.
 yet another picture not to mention to Albert haha
 Uncle Mark and Maggie (who LOVED picking fights with Candy)
 Sonia let John crawl on the dashboard...but only when we were stopped for lunch. :)

watching daddy

So yeah, once we got to Cali we went to our hotel room (not many pictures of that...sorry) and went to sleep... :)

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