Thursday, June 23, 2011

One Step Closer

     Today has been a great day so far.  Albert and I took a drive up to Taylorsville, UT.  We're one step closer to Albert becoming a full citizen of the USA.  He got fingerprinted today.  Currently a back-ground check is being done.  As soon as he's cleared, we'll get a notice letting us know when Albert is going to take the citizenship test and then we just have to wait for him to be sworn in.
     YAY!  that means that soon his last name will be "Helsing" and then not long after that I'll be come a "Helsing" (and finally stop using my maiden name as my last offense fellow "Evans"s).
     Anyways, life moves on.  Johnathan is still healthy and kicking around and making me uncomfortable (though I still can sleep).  No real contractions and very few Braxton Hicks.  No cervix change from last week.  Found out that the most I'll have to wait to be induced is 10 days...and they'll make me wait at LEAST 7.  ugh.  Hopefully Johnathan wants to come before that...for my sake.
     I've finally have my bags for the hospital packed.  And I have pre-registered at the hospital (though we didn't end up getting a tour because by the time we were about to head up there, both Albert and I were really hungry)) and we know where to go and so I'm a lot less nervous about the whole occurrence.  but seriously, if you have advice of stuff to take along or leave or ask for or get afterwards, please feel free to let me know because I love hearing the advice and it makes the whole "unknown" of the situation a lot less scary.  (note: you could just e-mail me at instead of posting here...)
     Last weekend, one of Albert and I's friends (Melissa) took us up by Sundance Resort and got some really awesome pictures.  Here are just a couple of them:
 Albert had the sun in his eyes.  Melissa and I just told him to deal with it. :)
 We found a lovely tree to sit on...and there were ants...none got in our pants hahaha.
There was also this random creek and Albert wouldn't let me jump across it
or wade in it...ah well.
wild flowers...they're awesome...
 We did our best to keep Melissa amused during the shoot...
I kept hitting Albert with the flowers...
and he kept protesting and Melissa and I ganged up on him. :)
Yep.  We love each other. :)
Speaking of which.  We just celebrated our 1.5 year anniversary. Yay us for making it through this far!  We look forward to many more anniversaries to come.

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