Saturday, June 18, 2011


First Albert:
At the start of May, we went back to the BYU Health Center to see the Dr (finally) and the doctor ordered some bloodwork (a test that would tell how Albert's blood sugar had been doing for the past 3 months). Also during this appointment we discovered that though previous doctor had told us that Albert was type 1 diabetes, Albert's cart said he was type 2...yeah. About a week later, the doctor called Albert and told him that Albert's average blood sugar count for the past 3 months was around 245 (if not a bit higher). Albert's IDEAL blood sugar level is 100...yeah, not good. Albert was also told that he had really high cholesterol and that all of it was bad...ah! (yet another pill to help with that) So the Dr. at the health center recommended Albert to a diabetes specialist. In the meantime (while we waited for Albert's appointment day to arrive), Albert stopped drinking power-aid (he'd been drinking a LOT before that) and decided to only drink water (which he has stuck to since) and now the majority of his meals are salads. So Albert went to the specialist, who ordered a blood test that would tell us whether he was type 1 or type 2 and also gave him another pill to try and somehow managed to convince Albert to check his blood sugar 3 times a day (when he wakes up, right before dinner, and right before going to bed).
          It's getting better little by little. One of the first nights, Albert checked his blood sugar and it was at 200, when he checked it in the morning, it was 245. Recently, it's been better (usually in the 100s). Albert has been very good at eating healthily (even eating breakfast most days, which he didn't really do before) and has been at least FEELING better than, that's good. Anyways, this past week he got a call from the Diabetes specialist and was informed that he was type 2. honestly, I think it's a good thing because with type 2 you have a better chance at possibly being able to make it go away, while with type 1 you're stuck with it for's something to encourage Albert to be good about keeping healthy...which will also help ME be healthy...well...mostly (I still get sugar every now and again...I just try not to eat it in front of Albert because I feel guilty despite his insisting that he really doesn't like sugar and that he's fine with me eating it in front of him...)
          At the start of June, we (yes I went wit him this time) went to a dietitian AND the specialist.  The dietitian was actually super amazing and I think Albert was a little iffy about what she was saying because she was telling him that he could eat whatever he wanted, he just had to count the carbs.  She told him that he could put rice and stuff back in his diet and it was totally fine.  Her reasoning: "well, we could keep you on the track you're already on and cut everything out and basically turn you vegan" (Albert and I exchanged a look like "yeah right!") "or, we can let you eat what you want (in regulated amounts) and treat your blood sugar at that level" Albert of course chose the second option.  The specialist informed us that he was type 2, and that the problem wasn't that his pancreas wasn't making insulin, but that his body was resistant to insulin (which was hereditary...but now we know to keep an eye out for it in Johnathan once he's here...the dr. says we won't really know anything about diabetes until he's like 3 months or something, but we're definitely going to get it checked out.).  So Albert was put on another pill called Actos (which unfortunately BYU Health insurances doesn't cover because it's not generic yet (we're working it out)) and it's worked WONDERS.  i.e. Sunday, his blood sugar was 102!!!  That's like the lowest I've ever seen it!!!  Albert isn't always very happy with how many pills he's taking.  the other day he exclaimed "I'm taking more pills than my grandma and she's 86!!!"
      Albert is currently enjoying his few days off from school before summer term starts. luckily this term all of his classes are at BYU campus here in Provo so he's near by if I have to call him and pull him out of class to take me to the hospital.
Now me:
      Johnathan is dropping lower!!  YAY!!!  2 weeks left!  It's way crazy.  Stressing out about not feeling all the way ready.  we have the physical stuff (stroller, crib, diapers, wipes, clothes, car seat, etc.) well...everything I can think of that we would need.  Not sure if I'm quite all the way ready emotionally...but I don't think I'll be all the way ready until AFTER Johnathan is here.
      I can still sleep pretty well.  And I'm usually fairly comfortable.  The doctor said that everything is going well with the baby....I just need to spend a little less time on my feet.  I was 1 cm dilated last Monday.  I have been having a few braxton-hicks contractions, but nothing anywhere near the real thing...exempt for random muscle/ligament pains in my stomach...often while Johnathan is pushing hard on my stomach.  He's head down.  So yeah. It's all good with me...just a little freaking out last minute...Luckily, Albert isn't freaking out yet....YET being the main word lol.

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