Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy home, happy hearts...crying baby.

      So...long time no write.  sorry about that.  I started 2 different posts...and thought of writing a lot more than that...I just never got down to it.  I have this thing that kind of sucks up all my time and energy these days.
Anyways, so if you hadn't already heard (hopefully you had) Johnathan has been born (he's the time/energy sucker).  He's totally adorable!

(this is him like only a minute after being born...he's a lot cuter now)

(now (ish) photo)
      He's actually even cuter than that, I just haven't taking a picture of him in the past week and he's sleeping and I don't want to wake him up with the flash.
      Anyways, so yeah!  I went into labor...Saturday night/early sunday morning.  or at least that's when I REALIZED I was in labor haha.  It was 3:20 in the morning and the contractions (which I had thought were fake cuz I thought there'd be a larger area covered in pain) were about 15 minutes apart.  We ended up going into the hospital then because I was bleeding a little.  (poor Albert had gone to bed at 2 and I kept waking him up with pained groanings.)  
      They watched me for an hour, nothing progressed, but they decided to watch for another hour because Johnathan's heartbeat kept going down when I was having contractions.  So, after the next hour I was declared officially in labor (mothers were called and Albert's mom came from lehi to the mom kept her flight for the 4th) and they gave me some fentonal and then the dr said he was going to break my water and I requested the epidural.  honestly, getting the IV hurt more than getting the epidural.  Anyways, the dr. was a little worried because Johnathan had already pooped while in the womb and the stuff could get in his lungs and stuff...luckily none of that happened.
      Albert slept a little while we waited for me to dilate all the way (3-5cms took like...4-6 haurs.  5cm to 10 cm only took 2 hours)...I was unable to sleep despite being super drugged up.

      At 4:17 Johnathan was born.  and the dr said "mom look down and see your baby" and I looked down and started sobbing.  The dr. said that I had a little tear on the inside from Johnathan coming, but other than that everything went wonderfully.  Johnathan was declared healthy and breathing (because of the poop, the dr said that it might take a while to hear him cry, but he cried almost as soon as he got out.).  He was 8lbs 3 oz and 19 inches long. :) (the receptionist at Johnathan's dr's office says that that's HUGE for a first child...I enjoyed telling her that my sister's babies were both over 9 lbs.  I feel lucky) His face was a little bruised from coming out...ok a lot bruised that they had to put a "I have a bruised face" sign in his tub thing so that the nurses wouldn't freak out and think he wasn't breathing.  but the bruising is gone now.
Albert's mom with Johnathan
My mom with Johnathan the day we were leaving
sleeping in his car seat on the day we were leaving.
      one thing that was quickly determined was that he had Albert's least his spikeyness.  
no, his face isn't blue from's the bruises.
      Albert's mom says that Johnathan doesn't have very much hair compared to what Albert had when he was born (apparently he was born needing a haircut hahaha), but of course for my side of the family, it's a lot of hair.  (he has more than some of his cousins who are several months older have now) he looks more like his dad than just having his hair.  he also has his eye color and his bodily build (though we think he may have the super tall evans gene)...and right now he mostly has his dad's hair color, though it's turning lighter and I caught some red in it the other day right after his bath.
Albert with the last load of stuff for the car on departure day
      The first night home was actually really good.  Johnathan slept super well and Albert and I felt super lucky...the next night was horrible.  We were tempted to ask one of our mothers to stay the night and help...but we pressed forward...Now...well...the nights still aren't the best.  Johnathan wants to eat at 1 and then wants to stay up eating little bits until like 3 (luckily singing really helps him I've been singing hymns to him...and little dorky songs that mostly involve the word "sleep"...also luckily, it also puts Albert to sleep...usually).
Johnathan in the car on the way home
      He then wants to eat again at 5:30 (it takes usually about an hour to get him back down, though sometimes I'm lucky) and then again at 7:30-8 ish (which is going to be a bit of a problem since I have class from 7-8 in the fall...maybe he'll start eating better at 5:30 so he'll go longer...we can only pray).  Then Albert leaves for school and Johnathan and I sleep some more...sometimes only until 10, other times we make it to 11...usually the first though.  but after 10 he sleeps until 12. :)  after that sometimes he sleeps (like today) other times he's awake and wants to be held and I'm torn between holding him, getting nothing done, but not getting a headache, and just letting him cry, having to take advil and getting a little bit done. usually saving myself a headache wins out...which isn't good I know.
Aunt Sonia and Abuela with Johnathan
      When we first brought him home, we were a little worried about him going to the bathroom enough...then my milk came in (ow) and that worry has COMPLETELY disappeared.
Johnathan with my Grandma Evans
      He's just had his first big growth spurt.  Thursday he was 8lbs4oz and 19.75 inches long.  Monday (at his Dr. appointment) he was 8lbs8oz and 21 inches long.  yeah...big difference.
So, little facts about Johnathan:
      -He hates having his diaper changed (he screams bloody murder)
      -he hates bath time...even now that he can be in a "real tub" (more bloody murder screaming and kicking and trying to escape)
      -he can hold his head up pretty well (which surprised the doctor)
      -he usually only cries for 3 reasons: he's hungry, he's got a bubble, or he's got a messy diaper.
      -usually he's content to be awake and just look around (aka he doesn't need to be held) but he's also like his daddy in that he LOVES to cuddle...Which albert loves.
      -he doesn't like cuddling laying down at need to be sitting almost bolt upright...(which I don't like)
      -he will throw a fit about being put in his car seat, but he secretly likes it. he calms down very quickly once he feels like the car seat is moving (either by us swinging it, or in the stroller or in the car)
      -he takes forever to get to sleep (not that much fun for me)
      -he goes through a LOT of diapers.
and last but not least -he is both a mama's boy and a daddy's boy.  though if Albert's home, he usually calms down a lot faster for him than for me.
My two boys sleeping. :)  so cute.
      so yep that's our son.  I am of the opinion that God made babies cute so their parents would be able to stand them during the first bit.
      I haven't had too much trouble with "baby-blues" though it's a lot harder when I'm sleep deprived (usually I feel pretty ok) and when he's crying at me and won't go to sleep and I don't want to wake Albert up cuz he's got to go to school in the morning.  sometimes I'm still a little cry-happy. Like last night...though I think it was a good crying because I wasn't frustrated or anything...and I was singing hymns. It wasn't like the 2nd week with him where I actually felt depressed (which I recognized partially because I didn't even feel like eating ice cream or chocolate both of which I had easy access to...yeah that's totally gone now).
      Anyways.  yep.  We're happy, sleep deprived, making it through the days one at a time...ish.
(sleeping cute!!!)

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