Wednesday, November 9, 2011

4 months!

(written at the start of the month, but not published because I wanted to put pictures in) wow.  time continues to fly as my little baby grows up. :P
-he now LOVES to sit up and tends to cry if he feels like sitting, but I'm not helping him do so.
-he's drooling a TON.
-once upon a time he would just poop little by little...unfortunately that has changed, and he now has explosion poops...which from what I hear isn't that uncommon for's not QUITE as messy as some moms have described but's no fun to deal with...AND he always does it when it's my turn to change his diaper (ugh!)
- his two favorite toys (mostly because they're the ones we always hand him) are the psychedelic giraffe (named thus because it has all sorts of crazy colors and I've decided that it's really fun to say "psychedelic giraffe") and his crinkle duck (it makes a crinkly noise haha).
- he LOVES tub time.
-he's talking a LOT more now...the other day I was at the grocery store and he was even talking to the cashier.
-he's in the beginning stages of learning to he'll laugh every now and again and it makes my day.
-he is REALLY ticklish (yay!  he got his daddy's genes! this means I can win ANY tickle fight we have hahahaha!)
-he already has a favorite movie.  Cars 2.  if he's crying just for the heck of it and albert puts it on, he almost instantly gets quiet.
-he loves looking in the mirror (which is nice at church because there's a big mirror in the mother's room and I can entertain him in there haha)...I don't always inform him that the baby there is him...and I may tell him that the baby in the mirror has stolen his mommy... heh heh.
-if he's awake when albert calls from school, I always put the phone on speaker, so that Johnathan can hear his  voice.  more often than not, as soon as Johnathan hears Albert's voice, a huge smile bursts onto his face (boom! haha)
-unfortunately he got my patience...and thus he has none haha.
-no longer spits up tons if I forget to take my allergy pill...and sometimes will spit up when I have... (never that much though).
-we haven't started him on solids yet...(honestly we haven't even gotten spoons or little baby bowls yet...we do have rice cereal though) albert says he wants to wait until John is 5 months...(well actually he said 6 months and I said 'start him now' and so we compromised)

and that's our little boy!  growing up SO so fast! :) we love him more every day!

Our updates:
-um really there's not much. Albert is still making it through school.  i'm still making it through the day with Johnathan and then going to work.  we've got our school schedules all worked out (i'm SUPER excited for my stress management class) and we're excited to be able to be going to my parents' house for new years! woo hoo!

video of him talking with my dad when my parents were out here a few weeks ago:
he's all wrapped up and plugged in.


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