Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Festivities

This holiday weekend has been WONDERFUL so far!  Sunday we started Johnathan on solids, so he's sleeping lots better.  So I woke up Thanksgiving Day morning at 7ish to my child making a few noises in his bed (not crying, just babbling) and when I looked in, he actually was happy and smiled at me! :)  This is after he'd been sleeping for 10 hours straight. YAY!

   After feeling very well rested and happy and such, I rushed to work to check in the books from the bookdrop.  That only took 1/2 an hour, but I get paid time and a half so it's worth going to work on "vacation time."  Anyways, after getting home from work, Albert and I packed up and drove to my grandma's house in north Provo.
There we enjoyed the company of siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and my grandma. :)  Albert decided that he was sleepy and took a bit of a nap before the eating (I guess so that he could be wide awake for all the amazing food).
  Johnathan, ever the daddy's boy, decided to follow his dad's example

There was much laughter and enjoyment and talking. :)  here is but a sample of the rediculiousness that took place:

Albert and I were also invited to go to his aunt's house for dinner so we were going to split a little early.  Before we left, Albert went out to play football in the street (a LONG LONG Evans family tradition) for 'three minutes'...30 minutes later we pulled out and headed over to his Aunt's house.

there we discovered that Albert's mom needed us to babysit Albert's two youngest sisters (Sammi and Melissa)  the next day.

Friday rolled around and we were grateful for "a day off".  Albert's sisters were actually really good for us...ok well, him.  I'll admit it.  I left the house (with Johnathan) at about 11:30 am because my oldest brother and his family were in town for the day. :)  We had a blast!  We had lunch and then took a trip over to a wonderful little park not far from the Orem Wal-mart.  ok I say "little" but it was acutally pretty big.
Anyways, at the park there was a duck pond.  as I've mentioned before, Johnathan has a little toy duck that he plays with.  he LOVED the ducks!!  and there were a TON of them!
 my niece, Brooklyn, and the ducks. :)
 most of the people in that picture are related to me. haha.
 When I ran out of bread, the ducks saw John's white socks and took a few nips towards his toes...yeah...we didn't crouch down again after that haha.
 my older brother, Stephen, his youngest son (chase) and his wonderful wife (Ashley)
Thad (my brother-in-law), Addie and Brooklyn.

When we were all out of bread, we swung on the swings...well, several sets of swings.  but eventually it got a little too cold for little Johnathan so we said our fair wells (well he screamed his good-byes).  He fell asleep on the way home (which was a blessing because I had to stop by Maceys and pick up a few things to make Albert a banana creme pie (which turned out AMAZING!)) and was calm when we got there.  Saturday, I went in to work at 9 since I was covering someone's I finally got home at 3 and then relaxed and enjoyed my time with my wonderful husband and son. :)

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