Saturday, December 3, 2011

Who threw the clock out the window?

Wow, little Johnathan is 5 months already.  and he's not all that little anymore. haha.
He has learned to roll over. (crazy crazy)  here's video proof:

just the day before I had taken this movie:

one morning I found him like this in his bassinet (since we haven't moved him to his own bed due to the generally cold nature of his room temperature)  and I laughed...

anyways, yep.  he's growing, eating solids now, rolling over when I have my back turned and then sometimes getting mad about being on his stomach.  He hasn't rolled from tummy to back again since that very first time, but for now, that's ok. :)
we've discovered that he really likes the squash flavored baby food...and he's not quite sure how he feels about the pea stuff.  I quickly learned that I have to hold his hands while I'm feeding him so that the food doesn't end up everywhere haha.
yesterday I was sitting on the floor with him saying 'ma ma ma ma ma ma' trying to train him correctly when he kind of smiled at me and said "dada". When I called Albert and told him about it, he admitted to spending a lot of his time when I'm at work teaching Johnathan to say "dada"...ah well. haha.
So yeah.  Johnathan is sitting up much better and has learned that he doesn't want to throw his head back when I have him floating on his back in the tub (supported by me of course).
yep. :) he's still a very smiley baby...especially when he knows i'm just a tiny bit irked at him, which mostly only happens when I'm trying to put him to sleep his eyes are just wide and he's decided to just lay there and look at me. :P

Albert and I are doing well.  Albert turned in his last floral design projects this week

 fresh flowers. :)  ok, truth be told, I really was the one who did this one haha.  but he did say "oh put this there" every now and again. :)
 fake flower design.  he did most of this one...I just went and bought the flowers.
pretending he did all the work ha!

three days ago our furnace decided to basically stop working.  our house got as low as 60 when we had it set for 73...yeah it was really cold.  but we kept Johnathan bundled up.  The repair man came and "fixed" it yesterday...yeah.  apparently our furnace was about 15 years old and needed to be replaced.  and so our landlords replaced it. :)  while we were waiting for the furnace to be replaced, Albert's amazing parents brought us two electric heaters.   Honestly, I'm not sure what we'd do without them.  They do so much for us. :)  And now our house is twice as warm.

Also yesterday Christopher Paolini came to the library for a book signing.  it was quite hectic.  we had about 600 tickets that became available 2-3 weeks ago and they were gone within an hour and a half.  today we still had people asking if we had tickets.  we also had people getting mad because in order to get a sure seat in his seminar thingy you had to have a ticket and apparently the flyer didn't say you had to have a ticket (liars) anyways.  yeah. we also had random people all dressed up and stuff.
I also had a woman come up to the desk and ask "well, I know the orem library organizes their books by the author's last you all do that too?"
I had the hardest time not laughing. :P

Albert was called as the Ward Mission President. :) happiness and business!

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