Friday, December 9, 2011


So, Albert and I have been in TWO wrecks since we've been...together.  both happened while we were engaged.  the first on Sept. 23, 2009 (I remember because it was the day after we got engaged) and the second on November 28th, 2009 (this I remember because we had to look it up today).
Today, Albert and I went in to get our new drivers licenses with our brand new names on them.  There, we found out that at the second wreck, we hadn't really had insurance (we thought we had) and so Albert's license has been suspended since January of 2010.  The department was supposed to have notified us, and apparently they tried, but it was in letter form...and Albert's address in the system said we were at 300 NORTH not south.  ugh.  anyways.  yeah.  we were quite surprised.  luckily we were able to get it all worked out and Albert will be getting his new license on the meantime I have  "get" to drive him everywhere he needs to be.  luckily he's missing work on Monday because he has a exam at 7am.  Woot!  that means I wake up at 6 instead of 3 :)  Anyways, yep. 
We are VERY grateful that Albert wasn't ever pulled over during that time of...suspendedness. (that's now officially a word).

We also now officially have presents to put under our Christmas tree. :)  no, the Christmas tree isn't up yet, but when it does, the Christmas tree skirt won't be lonely as it sits under the tree. :)  YAY FOR CHRISTMAS!!! :)

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